Our Mission and Vision

It all started with a vision to bring stylish and sustainable yet affordable products with an essence of India, to the world. As a nature-loving Ecom Eco-Friendly Product Store, we want to encourage our community of shoppers to start and continue a mindful discussion about environmental issues and how we can work together towards global sustainability solutions. Keeping our Earth and its ecosystems healthy is the driving force behind EMPOWERSTUDIO
How do we define sustainability
"Sustainability" has grown to be a very popular phrase for consumer goods, and we adore the direction in which the world is heading in terms of becoming more aware of how our consumption and purchases effect the condition of the earth.
More than just a term on the label of what you're selling is what sustainability means. The degree to which a product's development or end of life will have a detrimental influence on the environment cannot be determined by its "Certified Sustainable" badge. This implies that WE ALL HAVE A DUTY TO LOOK CLOSER AT WHAT WE BUY AND HOW OUR BUYS HAVE AN IMPACT - FROM HOW IT WAS CREATED TO HOW IT WILL BE DISPOSED.